Management of the NECT

Management of the National Education Collaboration Trust is vested in a small team of management and education experts. The team is headed by chief executive officer, Godwin Khosa, who is a seasoned education strategist.

The NECT contracts specialised service providers to undertake various interventions, especially those that take place in remote areas of the country as part of the Trust’s district development programme. These service providers are carefully managed by the NECT’s education specialists in collaboration with district education offices and local stakeholder committees.

About the CEO

Godwin Khosa served as CEO of JET Education Services for nearly five years before his appointment as CEO of the NECT. While at JET Education Services he headed the NECT Secretariat pending the establishment of the Trust’s full-time office.

A teacher by profession, Mr Khosa worked as a policy analyst and senior manager at the Centre for Education Policy Development in the 1990s before joining the Human Sciences Research Council as a research manager and proceeding to JET Education Services. There he served initially as a team leader on an education transformation programme in Limpopo and then as the organisation’s Programme Director before being appointed CEO in 2009. Mr Khosa is also a member of Council of the University of Johannesburg.

He holds a diploma and a master’s degree in Public and Development Management from the University of Witwatersrand; a BA Hons in Geography from the University of South Africa and a BA Education from the University of the North.

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